Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Len spoke, America listened, and Nancy went home

On Monday night's Dancing with the Stars, after an instant jive which earned Nancy Grace only 20 out of a possible 30 points, Judge Len Goodman told Nancy:
Nancy, yours is a Cinderella story.  You've come to the ball and you've lasted eight weeks, which I commend you for. However, for me, it's midnight and it's time to go home!
And on Tuesday night, Nancy was eliminated from the competition.  She's said publicly that she's donating her earnings for being on the show to the Missing and Exploited Children's Center.  I googled to see how much the stars earn for their participation in the competition and found this contract for Shawn Johnson in Season 8, which aired during the Fall of 2009, and Gawker dot com also gives these numbers:

  • Guaranteed $125,000 for appearing on the show
  • An additional $10,000 per week for weeks 3 and 4
  • An additional $20,000 per week for weeks 5-7
  • An additional $30,000 per week for weeks 8-9
  • An additional $50,000 per week for weeks 10-11
The total for making it to the final 2 is $345,000.

Since Grace made it through week 8, she earned $215,000.   If she did indeed give that money to the Missing & Exploited Children's Center, then good for her.

But her dancing leaves a lot to be desired.  And her television show even more.

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