Wednesday, July 9, 2008

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Anonymous said...

You say that Atkins wants her family to be at her bedside at the end of her life. Where was Sharon Tates family when she was so horribly murdered. As a Christian and a believer in God I believe you "reap what you sow." Atkins is reaping what she sowed. Scott Peterson is paying the price. In his case if he didn't want to be a father or husband it would have been very simple to divorce Lacy not kill her. When you speak in the past tense to your girlfriend about how you "lost your wife" he knew she was not coming back. Give us all a break...Find the killer prove it and perhaps and that is a big perhaps he will be set free. I believe that all of them are exactly where they need to be. Behind bars and protecting society from these monsters is what is right and God will hopefully forgive them if they ask for forgivness.

Marlene Newell said...

I don't disagree that Susan Atkins is right where she wants to be, and if I believed Scott Peterson was guilty, I would agree that he is right where he is supposed to be.

Yes, people who are guilty of crimes need to seek forgiveness from God. They also need to seek forgiveness from society, and one way they do that is to serve their just sentence.

My point is, You don't have to hate someone in order to want justice. Hate doesn't further justice, it stands in its way.

Hate benefits no one one, and it is very self-destructive.

Justice4thevictims said...

I don't understand your commesnt about "hate"....wanting a murderer to pay for their cime is not hating them..

Marlene Newell said...

The article addressed those people who post very hateful comments on blogs and boards. They don't just voice an opinion, they voice disgusting personal diatribes.

This is my point exactly, you do not have to hate someone to want to see justice done. If Justice is supposed to be blind, shouldn't it also be void of such strong emotions as hate?

Justice4thevictims said...

What evidence was presented at trial (where it mattered) that Conner did not wash ashore?

Justice4thevictims said...

I agree that hate is a destructive emotion----but I believe you would have to be the victim of a murderer to understand it. I don't believe Sharon hates Scott---I believe she simply disregards his she should, IMO. I hate what these murderers have done, but hating THEM personally makes no sense.