That fateful Day so many years ago . . . December 24, 2002
Christmas Day, 2002
December 26 & 27 : The search warrants and the dog trailing
December 27th search warrant results
Did Brocchini compromise the evidence on the flatbed trailer?
Brocchini hastened to get the Berkeley Marina identified as a crime scene
Activity on December 28th the MPD didn't want anyone to know about
The chameleon slipper
Previous articles on the Investigation
- The Setup - Jan 11-19, 2003
- Was Scott Peterson framed?
- How much did the Peterson investigation and trial cost?
- What did the State pay for?
- A hair, an affair, and a fishing trip
- Failed theories -- the chicken wire
- Some detectives (and other people) just can't see the obvious
Evidence (or lack thereof)
The Crime Scenes & Evidence seized
- The Peterson home, 523 Covena
- No Evidence of a Clean-up (SII page, blog article)
- The tests don't lie (SII page, blog article)
- Laci's vehicle, 1996 Land Rover
- Scott's personal and business vehicle, the 2002 Ford F-150 4x4 pickup truck
- TradeCorp business warehouse, 1027 North Emerald, Suite B1
- Scott's Sears Gamefisher 14' boat
- Computer Forensics
Laci's Activities on the 23rd and 24th
- The meringue segment on Martha Stewart Living
- Laci's Clothes
- Laci's Walk
- Laci sightings were not a priority
- The Mailman's Timeline
- Comments on "The Mailman's Timeline"
- The 10:08 call to check voicemail
- Scott's December 24, 2002 cell phone activity (confirms Scott's whereabouts on Dec 24 and normal usage for a holiday)
- Karen Servas
Search Areas
- The Amber Tapes
- Lies, lies, lies, nothing but lies
- Can't discuss the truth in the courtroom
- More, or Less, from Jacobson
- The Wiretaps (Stanislaus County Wiretap No. 2)
- Phone call between Brent Rocha and Scott Peterson, Jan 17, 2003
- Phone call between Sharon Rocha and Scott Peterson, Feb 13, 2003
Junk Science
- Junk Science (in general)
- Junk Science (specific to this case)
- Dr. Ralph Cheng
- Dr. Ralph Cheng
- Did Cheng use the wrong starting point
- Cheng for Dummies
- More on the Cheng Controversy
- Dr. Greggory Devore
- Dr. Greggory DeVore
- Dr. Devore's curious Calculations
- Science: The Good, the Better, and the Junk (specifically addresses the science of determining gestational age)
Evidence Ignored, Covered up, or Withheld
Laci's Walk
- Laci's Walk (SII page, Blog article)
- Laci sightings were not a priority (SII page, Blog article)
- The Mailman's Timeline
- Comments on "The Mailman's Timeline"
- The weather in Modesto on December 24, 2002
- The Medina Burlgary
- Laci Peterson, the Medina Burglary and Occam's Razor
- The Medina mailbox
- Todd's lies
- Todd and the Bicycle
- Not smart, just lucky
- 3rd Party Guilt: Nearness in time, place, and circumstances to the alleged crime
- The Aponte Tip
- Fact Sheet
- Exculpatory Evidence Withheld (SII page, Blog article)
- The reward for silence - Shawn Tenbrink